Design by Mark London

The Carl Wilson Walk Against Cancer

Date And Location
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Commemorative Poster
Long Promised Road
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Welcome to the Carl Wilson Walk Against Cancer Home Page

Carl Dean Wilson, 1946-1998

On Sunday, February 6, 1998, Carl Dean Wilson of the Beach Boys was taken from us by lung cancer. His kind soul and amazing talent were lost to us at the age of only 51. Help us remember him and keep his spirit alive--as well as helping to fight the horrible disease that affects us all. Goodbye Carl...we miss you and still hear you everyday.

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to present the Carl Wilson Walk Against Cancer 2000!

Pleasure Valley
The Carl Wilson Walk Against Cancer will take place on Sunday June 11 2000, at Pleasure Valley in Uxbridge, Ontario! We will be having a ton of events at the Walk... trust us, you won't wanna miss this! Roam around the links on the left-hand side of all the pages on this site for more information...registration deadline is April 3 for the early bird draw! The normal registration date will be May 1, but you wanna win a prize, right?? Click herefor more details!
New!!! You can now print our official registration form right here on the webpage! Simply click the link, print the form, and follow the instructions to sign up right away!

As well, we have a new Commemorative Poster available! Follow the link to view details, or click on the poster below!
Poster by Mark London, Photo COPYRIGHT Sherri Skanes

See you June 11!

Note: If you were involved in the 1999 Toronto Walk, click here for important information.

Where Carl belongs Fun Fun Fun!!! God Only Knows...

This quote from a member of the CWWAC Committee certainly puts Carl in impressive (and well deserved!) company:

"Carlos Santana, Carl Wilson, and Eric Clapton--*classic* guitarists."

Carl the guitarist
Do you agree? Tell us! Either click here to e-mail it to us, or write it in our guestbook, which you can sign below. Help us with our publicity campaign!!! Results will be used in Walk advertisements, speeches, etc.

This page was last updated on Tuesday February 1 2000 by Bree Dunsmore, Public Relations Director, Carl Wilson Walk Against Cancer.

Sign the Guestbook! View the Guestbook!
Share your memories of our beloved Carl with other fans!

e-mail us!

OVER 2500 people have visited this site!!! Thank you so much and keep coming back! Carl would be so proud of you all.

Good night, and God bless.
photo used by permission

You are visitor since Oct. 7, 1998!

We'll keep the spirit, Carl.